CD 1
Première suite à 3 violes in D Major
1 No. 1, Prélude
2 No. 2, Allemande
3 No. 3, Courante
4 No. 4, Sarabande
5 No. 5, Gigue
6 No. 6, Menuet
7 No. 7, Gavotte
8 No. 8, Petite Paysane
9 No. 9, Rondeau
Quatrième suite in A Minor
10 No. 1, Prélude
11 No. 2, Allemande
12 No. 3, Gavotte
13 No. 4, Gigue
14 No. 5, Caprice
15 No. 6, Muzette
16 No. 7, 2e Muzette
17 No. 8, La Sautillante & Double
18 No. 9, Rondeau Louré
Troisième suite in F Major
19 No. 1, Prelude
20 No. 2, Allemande
21 No. 3, Gavotte
22 No. 4, Gigue
23 No. 5, Menuet
24 No. 6, Menuet
25 No. 7, La Provencale
26 No. 8, Chaconne
Premiere suite in D Minor
27 No. 1, Prélude
28 No. 2, Allemande
29 No. 3, La Mignone
30 No. 4, Caprice
31 No. 5, Menuet
32 No. 6, IVe Livre, Premiere Suitte : Gigue la petite
33 No. 7, Rondeau
CD 2
suite d’un goût étranger
1 No. 1, Marche Tartare
2 No. 2, Allemande
3 No. 3, Sarabande
4 No. 4, La Tartatine & Double
5 No. 5, Gavotte
6 No. 6, Feste Champêtre
7 No. 7, Gigue La Fleselle
8 No. 8, Rondeau le Bijou
9 No. 9, Le Tourbillon
10 No. 10, IVe Livre, Suitte d'un goût Etranger : L'Uniforme
11 No. 11, IVe Livre, Suitte d'un goût Etranger : Suitte
12 No. 12, Suitte
13 No. 13, L'Amériquaine
14 No. 14, Allemande pour le Sujet et Gigue pour la Basse
15 No. 15, Allemande pour le Sujet et basse différente pour l'Allemande
16 No. 16, Allemande L'Asmatique
17 No. 17, La Tourneuse
18 No. 18, Muzette
19 No. 19, Caprice ou Sonate
CD 3
1 No. 20, Le Labyrinthe
2 No. 21, La Sauterelle
3 No. 22, La Foucade
4 No. 23, Allemande la Bizare
5 No. 24, IVe Livre, Suitte d'un goût Etranger : La Minaudiere
6 No. 25, Allemande la Singuliere
7 No. 26, IVe Livre, Suitte d'un goût Etranger : L'Arabesque
8 No. 27, Allemande la Superbe
9 No. 28, La Reveuse
10 No. 29, Marche
11 No. 30, Gigue
12 No. 31, Piece luthée
13 No. 32, Gigue la Caustique
14 No. 33 Le Badinage
Cinquième suite in A Major
15 No. 1, Prélude
16 No. 2, Caprice
17 No. 3, Allemande l'Enfantine
18 No. 4, Sarabande la Gracieuse
19 No. 5, Le Bout Entrain & Double
20 No. 6, Le Basque & Double
21 No. 7, Branle de Village
22 No. 8, Rondeau l'Agreable
23 No. 9, Menuet
24 No. 10, Menuet
CD 4
Deuxième suite in D Major
1 No. 1, Prélude
2 No. 2, Allemande la Guinebault
3 No. 3, Allemande la Familiere
4 No. 4, Boutade
5 No. 5, Gavotte la Favorite
6 No. 6, La petite Brillante
7 No. 7, Rondeau le Gracieux
Sixième suite in E Minor
8 No. 1, Prélude
9 No. 2, Fantaisie
10 No. 3, Allemande
11 No. 4, Sarabande à l'Espagnol
12 No. 5, Gigue la Piquante
13 No. 6, Gavotte
14 No. 7, Rondeau Paÿsan
15 No. 8, Menuet
16 No. 9, Menuet
17 No. 10, La Matelotte
18 No. 11, La Biscayenne
Deuxième suite à 3 violes in G Major
19 No. 1, Caprice
20 No. 2, Allemande
21 No. 3, Courante
22 No. 4, Sarabande
23 No. 5, Gigue
24 No. 6, Paÿsanne Gracieuse
25 No. 7, Gavotte
26 No. 8, Rondeau
27 No. 9, Muzette
28 No. 10, Muzette & Double
29 No. 11, Menuet Muzette
Marin Marais published his Quatrième Livre de Pièces de Viole two years after the death of Louis XIV, establishing himself as the undisputed master of the genre and providing pieces not only for musicians who had achieved some skill on the viol but also for the most virtuoso players. Here Marais reshaped the classical forms, altering the traditional sequence for the suites and making an increasing use of character pieces. The sometimes whimsical imagery and the new freedom of form that these pieces contain reach their peak in the astonishing Suitte d'un goût étranger ; these thirty or so pieces employ as yet unheard-of keys and offer a multitude of characters and representations that can tend towards the exotic. Breaking further new ground, and somewhat influenced by the Italian trio, Marais ended the Quatrième Livre with two suites for three viols, a genre he claimed to be new to France.