Katalógové číslo:
74014 SA
Analogue Productions
Strange days
You're Lost Little Girl
Love me two times
Unhappy Girl
Horse Latitudes
Moonlight Drive
People are strange
My Eyes Have Seen You
I Can't See Your Face In My Mind
When the music's over
With these words critics described the melodic-psychedelic sound of the Doors. Many of those on Strange Days songs were written at about the same time as the songs for the debut album of the Band. A mixture of oriental music, classical music and pop, hits like Love Me Two Times and People Are Strange. The music magazine Rolling Stone wrote about the album, that it has the power and the Energy of the first LP, but is more subtle, more complex and therefore more sustainable
Remastering the SACD of the original analog tapes is by Doug Sax, he was accompanied by Bruce Botnick, the Producers and sound engineers of the Doors. The original masters were produced on a tape machine with Tube input stage and also for the playback of the new tapes to be mastered a machine with a tube output stage. The basis for the surround sound was the 96k / 24Bit- Files created by Botnick for audio DVD release at Perception by the original analog masters were mixed and mastered