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Katalógové číslo:
477 7333
1 Opening Titles
2 The Call, Kabul 1978
3 He Hates Me
4 Kite Shop
5 Sin
6 Ahmad Zahir: Tanha Shudam Tanha
7 Kite Tournament
8 Hassan Theme
9 Ahmad Zahir: Az Man Begurezed
10 Plant The Watch
11 Russians Invade
12 The Truth
13 Ehsan Aman: Omaid e Man
14 Fuel Tanker
15 End Phone Call
16 The Stadium
17 Escape
18 Ehsan Aman: Dukhtare Darya
19 Fly a Kite
20 Reading The Letter
21 Sami Yusuf: Supplication
Khaled Hosseini's international best-seller - an epic portrait of modern Afghanistan - has been brought to the screen by director Marc Forster with a powerful score by award-winning composer Alberto Iglesias - featuring Afghanistani artists Ahmad Zahir and Ehsan Aman as well as British-Iranian singer Sami Yusuf.