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Blancafort: Complete Songs, Vol. 1
10,00 €
dodacia doba 7-28 dní
Katalógové číslo:
EAN kód:
Manuel Blancafort
Anna Alàs i Jové, Miquel Villalba
NAXOS, NAXOS Spanish Classics
Zoznam skladieb
1 Passant sota les branques

3 Cançons de Nadal
2 No. 1. Cançoneta humil de mitjanit
3 No. 2. Els núvols de Nadal
4 No. 3. Els reis

4 Cançons
5 No. 1. Muntanya avall
6 No. 2. Capvespre
7 No. 3. La mort de Bebros
8 No. 4. Aigües de la primavera

9 Rondalla del bou
10 La Ilum de Nadal
11 Cançó de l'amor primera
12 Cançó, "Dessobre la terra dura"
13 Ceiño da miña aldea
14 Joc
15 Plany
16 Ja no seràs mai més record
17 Cançó de l'únic camí, l'infinit

Lírica catalana
18 No. 1. Advent
19 No. 2. Comiat
20 No. 3. L'infinit
21 No. 4. Les campanes de Palau
22 No. 5. L'hora de l'alba
Catalonian native Manuel Blancafort was largely self-taught as a composer. Taken under Frederic Mompou’s wing, he was introduced to the rich cultural life of 1920s Paris and became part of a fertile aesthetic revolution that rejected Romanticism and marked a revival of Classicism and beauty, his concise, intimate and playful spirit connected to that of Grieg, Fauré and Satie. Always maintaining their Catalan roots, Blancafort’s songs evoke the past and dream of a country aspiring to become cultured and free from oppression. The clarity and simplicity of this message led one commentator to describe him as “the living synthesis of Catalan musical culture”.
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